Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Spirit Move.

Bonjour friends!
I am sure as you read posts from different students you realize that the Spirit is on the move. He is wrecking our worlds, and magnifying His glory and the beauty of His grace at work in us. This sanctifying process has been very tangible in my life as I have been here in Paris. God has humbled me and continues to do this day-by-day and moment-by-moment. One of the biggest desires I had coming into Project this summer was that I would learn what it means to walk by the Spirit. While I would have loved a list of steps to follow to become dependent upon the Holy Spirit that would actually contradict the heart of a life following the Spirit. Instead God has removed the places, ways, and strengths I seek to find confidence beside Him to show me that He is my Strength, Friend, Lover, Creator, Voice [literally, as I lost mine from sickness], the list goes on & on… It is a hard but beautiful thing to learn that I am not needed in this work God is doing but that He gives me the opportunity to be a broken vessel redeemed only through Him.
To share with you some specific examples of how God is clearly in control and at work here in Paris I want to share with you a little bit about someone who has become very, very special to me. About a week and a half ago Rhyan & I met a Japanese student, Yukiyo, who has been living in France for about 4 years during her university studies. Even meeting her was clearly God’s doing—we were talking to a girl named Tracy at lunch that day when Yukiyo, Tracy’s classmate, came up and joined us. We talked with both of them about their backgrounds, their lives, their beliefs, what we believe about God, and how our lives have been transformed by Him. I could go on and on about our conversations, but I will just say that from that day till now Rhyan, myself, and others on the team have gotten to spend time with Yukiyo almost every day since we met this incredible woman. We have dug into many, many great questions about God, Jesus, theology, why we can trust scripture, etc. that Yukiyo has had. We have dug into John 1 (or “Jean” in French) with her. We have brought her to French church with us twice, and even got to eat lunch with an incredible Japanese woman from the church.
My friend, Yukiyo, has not made a decision to trust Christ and is very honest to say that she is not sure she believes, but I can see God tearing down walls and opening her eyes to see Him for who He is more & more with each conversation we have. On Saturday we invited our friends to come hang out at the park for a picnic in the afternoon, as we do each week, and at this picnic that the Holy Spirit once again moved. I went into this picnic regretting leaving bed, voiceless from the cold I have, and without expectations for anything significant. As soon as I sat down next to Yukiyo I could speak, and we had a great time talking and enjoying the beautiful day. I hadn’t made any intentional effort to make the conversation spiritual when Yukiyo—looking at a tiny white wildflower in her hand—says something I was not prepared for. She told me that as she looks at the variety in plants, trees, and people she thinks that there must be a God who created all these things. WOW. A girl who didn’t believe in any god two weeks ago is now exploring who this “God” may be, asking questions, reading the Bible, and meeting up with these crazy American Christians again & again.
Please, please, please pray for my friend, Yukiyo. I care for her deeply and I know that God loves even more deeply & fully. Pray that she would continue to explore who God is, and that she would respond and give all that she is to the only One who is completely trustworthy. Also, as we are only able to be here with her for about a week longer pray that she stays connected to Christian community her in Paris. 
Thanks to all of you for your love, support, & prayers! You guys mean so much to us.
 Grace & Peace,
Ariel Currieo

Friday, June 8, 2012

broken vessels

What up friends and prayer partners?!

It’s great to be blogging today, because this evening our team is hosting a party with our French friends at our apartment! We are having a grilled cheese, tomato soup, Schweppes and baguette party that will hopefully be a super fun way to invite people into our community.

The last week has been quite a whirlwind for me personally, because the Lord has given me great joy in meeting new friends, feeding the homeless, exploring the Impressionist Museum, and revealing how powerful He really is. This week I realized that I have been putting God in a box my whole life, and that I greatly underestimate His superior power and love. When someone was injured or sick, we prayed for healing and God made them well on the spot multiple times. God used a vending machine malfunction to lead us into a spiritual conversation on campus. The Holy Spirit led us to meet a student who is a believer and wants to get involved in Agape, and that conversation started with me asking what kind of lunch meat I was eating. It’s obviously not my words or actions that will lead people to know Christ, because Christ is constantly pursuing people even in unconventional ways.

Those are only a few examples of the ways God has been blowing my mind lately. Before now I thought I was letting God into all areas of my life by giving Him control of my schoolwork, relationships, future, etc., but I have recently found fault in my expectations of what God can and wants to do. I have attempted to trust God with my life by loving Him and loving others, but I have failed to expect Him to really do the impossible. God loves people SO much that he sent a bunch of broken vessels from America to reach out to the broken students of Paris. It’s very humbling, and quite overwhelming that He loves people so much and loves me so much. We have less than two weeks left, so please pray that God would deepen our relationships and conversations with friends and use us to show Christ’s love.


Friday, June 1, 2012

persistence in christ

Hello everybody, it’s Ryne.

Today the team finished our third week of ministry, and one thing the Lord is teaching me through this project is what it means to be persistent in Christ. 

In a mission field as difficult as Paris it is easy to get discouraged by the number of conversations that seem to make no difference or progress in the lives of the people we talk to. It is tempting for me to put too much weight on my role in sharing the gospel: to think that I am not as persuasive, loving, clear, or knowledgeable as I need to be. I begin to make the effectiveness of the gospel depend solely on my performance in a particular conversation.

Isaiah 55 is a passage that I cling to in order to not let the lie of performance discourage me. Verses 8-11 say:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways,” 
declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, 

so are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.

As the rain and the snow

come down from heaven,
and do not return to it

without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish, 

so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:

It will not return to me empty, 
but will accomplish what I desire

and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

It is the most comforting thing to know that my role in sharing the gospel is to simply go and love those I speak with. I share what I believe about God, and the way He is working in my life. God does the rest. He is the truth. He is the one who changes hearts. He is more than powerful enough to cause His Word to accomplish what He desires. Knowing that truth enables me to go onto campus day after day proclaiming the truth of the gospel with boldness regardless of how much of a difference it seems like we are making.

And God is faithful to provide for those who persevere! Andrew, Davis, and I are scheduled to meet up for a second time with two Muslims students that we met at lunch today. They want to hear more about what we believe. After lunch we met two other agnostic students who after discussing the life of Jesus, told us they would read the book of John and were looking to meet up with us again to talk more about what we believe.

We did nothing new or different with those two conversations than with any of the other conversations we have had. We are only trusting that the Lord is powerful, and in that knowledge, we are going out into to world in humility and obedience to proclaim the gospel. And God is drawing His people to Himself.

One last verse that is so good:
2 Corinthians 12:9-10, ‘But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.’